Little Miss Marker
The book Little Miss Marker was made into the movie Little Miss Marker.
Book details for Little Miss MarkerLittle Miss Marker was written by Damon Runyon. The book was published in 1979 by Amereon Ltd. More information on the book is available on |
Movie details for Little Miss MarkerThe movie was released in 1980 and directed by Walter Bernstein. Little Miss Marker was produced by Universal Studios. More information on the movie is available on Actors on this movie include Walter Matthau, Julie Andrews, Tony Curtis, Bob Newhart, Lee Grant, Brian Dennehy, Kenneth McMillan, Andrew Rubin, Sara Stimson, Joshua Shelley, Randy Hermann, Nedra Volz, Tom Pedi, Jacquelyn Hyde, Jessica Rains, Jack Mullaney, Ralph Manza, Jack DeLeon, Don Bexley and John Finnegan. |