The Life and Loves of a She-Devil
The book The Life and Loves of a She-Devil was made into the movie She-Devil.
Book details for The Life and Loves of a She-DevilThe Life and Loves of a She-Devil was written by Fay Weldon. The book was published in 1984 by Pantheon Books. More information on the book is available on |
Movie details for She-DevilThe movie was released in 1989 and directed by Susan Seidelman. She-Devil was produced by MGM (Video & DVD). More information on the movie is available on and also IMDb. Actors on this movie include Meryl Streep, Roseanne, Ed Begley Jr., Linda Hunt, Sylvia Miles, Elisebeth Peters, Bryan Larkin, A Martinez, Maria Pitillo, Mary Louise Wilson, Susan Willis, Jack Gilpin, Robin Leach, Nitchie Barrett, June Gable, Jeanine Joyce, Deborah Rush, Sally Jessy Raphael, Doris Belack and Lori Tan Chinn. |