The Fluke
The book The Fluke was made into the movie Fluke.
Book details for The FlukeThe Fluke was written by James Herbert. The book was published in 1978 by Pan Books Limited. More information on the book is available on James Herbert also wrote Haunted (1989). |
Movie details for FlukeThe movie was released in 1995 and directed by Carlo Carlei. Fluke was produced by MGM (Video & DVD). More information on the movie is available on and also IMDb. Actors on this movie include Samuel L. Jackson, Matthew Modine, Nancy Travis, Eric Stoltz, Max Pomeranc, Ron Perlman, Jon Polito, Bill Cobbs, Collin Wilcox Paxton, Federico Pacifici, Clarinda Ross, Adrian Roberts, Bart Hansard, Deborah Hobart, Libby Whittemore, Dominique Milton, Mary Ann Hagan, Yolanda King, Brian Katz and Mary Holloway. |