Where the Rivers Flow North
The movie Where the Rivers Flow North was based on the book Where the Rivers Flow North.
Movie details for Where the Rivers Flow NorthThe movie was released in 1993 and directed by Jay Craven, who also directed Stranger in the Kingdom (1998). Where the Rivers Flow North was produced by Allumination. More information on the movie is available on Amazon.com and also IMDb. Actors on this movie include Rip Torn, Tantoo Cardinal, Bill Raymond, Mark Margolis, Michael J. Fox, George Woodard, Yusef Bulos, John Griesemer, Jeri Lynn Cohen, Treat Williams, Amy Wright, Rusty De Wees, Dennis Mientka, John Rothman, Sam Lloyd Sr., Burt Porter and Tony Washburn. |
Book details for Where the Rivers Flow NorthWhere the Rivers Flow North was written by Howard Frank Mosher. The book was published in 1978 by University of Vermont Press. More information on the book is available on Amazon.com. Howard Frank Mosher also wrote A Stranger in the Kingdom (1989). |
These six stories, available again in this new edition, continue Mosher's career-long exploration of Kingdom County, Vermont. "Within the borders of his fictional kingdom," the Providence Journal has noted, "Mosher has created mountains and rivers, timber forests and crossroads villages, history and language. And he has peopled the landscape with some of the truest, most memorable characters in contemporary literature."