Wide Sargasso Sea

The movie Wide Sargasso Sea was based on the book Wide Sargasso Sea.

Which one did you like better, the movie or the book?  There are 6 votes for the book, and 7 votes for the movie.

Movie details for Wide Sargasso Sea

The movie was released in 1993 and directed by John Duigan, who also directed The Journey of August King (1995). Wide Sargasso Sea was produced by New Line Home Video. More information on the movie is available on and also IMDb.

Actors on this movie include Karina Lombard, Nathaniel Parker, Rachel Ward, Michael York, Martine Beswick, Claudia Robinson, Huw Christie Williams, Casey Berna, Rowena King, Ben Thomas (VIII), Paul Campbell (IV), Audbrey Pilatus, Ancile Gloudon, Dominic Needham, Kevin Thomas, Aisha King, Anika Gordon, Elfreida Reid, Bobby Smith and Suzanne McMannus.


Read More About This Movie

A prequel to "Jane Eyre." An Englishman in nineteenth-century Jamaica falls into a tortured marriage with a native Creole. When the woman begins to go mad, her husband takes her back to his gothic estate in England, where he locks her in the attic.
A prequel to "Jane Eyre." An Englishman in nineteenth-century Jamaica falls into a tortured marriage with a native Creole. When the woman begins to go mad, her husband takes her back to his gothic estate in England, where he locks her in the attic.

Book details for Wide Sargasso Sea

Wide Sargasso Sea was written by Jean Rhys. The book was published in 1966 by Gardners Books. More information on the book is available on

Jean Rhys also wrote Quartet (1928).


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