Hard Core Logo

The movie Hard Core Logo was based on the book Hard Core Logo.

Which one did you like better, the movie or the book?  There are 3 votes for the book, and 3 votes for the movie.

Movie details for Hard Core Logo

The movie was released in 1996. Hard Core Logo was produced by Miramax. More information on the movie is available on and also IMDb.

Actors on this movie include Art Bergmann, Jeremy Bishop (II), Bernie Coulson, Hugh Dillon, Dan Fazzio, Claudia Ferri, Benita Ha, Michael Kopsa, Corrine Koslo, Megan Leitch, Terry David Mulligan, Danny Nowak, Nicole Parker, John Pyper-Ferguson, Joey Ramone, Callum Keith Rennie, Julian Richings, Jochen A. Schliessler and Tony Tucker (II).


Read More About This Movie

Hard Core Logo is often compared to This Is Spinal Tap--and for marketing purposes, that makes sense: both are pretend documentaries about rock bands (a self-important heavy metal crew in Spinal Tap, a self-destructing punk mob in Hard Core Logo). But tho... Read More
Hard Core Logo is often compared to This Is Spinal Tap--and for marketing purposes, that makes sense: both are pretend documentaries about rock bands (a self-important heavy metal crew in Spinal Tap, a self-destructing punk mob in Hard Core Logo). But though Hard Core Logo can be cuttingly funny, it's not really a comedy; it's a piercing examination of friendship and betrayal, success and self-hatred, and everything that fueled punk rock. Lead singer Joe Dick (Hugh Dillon) uses false pretenses to convince guitarist Billy Tallent (Callum Keith Rennie) to reform Hard Core Logo for a reunion tour across Canada, followed by a film crew (featuring director Bruce McDonald, whose other films include Roadkill and Highway 61, as himself). Tallent agrees, but only because he expects to be joining a much more successful rock group very shortly and sees this as a favor to Dick. As they travel from town to town, their relationship unravels, as does the psyche of bass player John Oxenberger (John Pyper-Ferguson). The performances are astonishingly genuine; even the oafish drummer Pipefitter (Bernie Coulson) becomes three-dimensional. By the end, you'll believe in them so much as people that the band's disintegration is truly wrenching. A remarkable film, both comic and sad. --Bret Fetzer

Book details for Hard Core Logo

Hard Core Logo was written by Michael Turner. The book was published in 1993 by Arsenal Pulp Press. More information on the book is available on


Read More About This Book

Michael Turner's novel-in-verse about the legendary punk band Hard Core Logo's reunion tour transforms the rock 'n' roll road experience into a tale of broken dreams and shattered friendships. The feature film was released in the U.S. by Quentin Tarantino... Read More

Michael Turner's novel-in-verse about the legendary punk band Hard Core Logo's reunion tour transforms the rock 'n' roll road experience into a tale of broken dreams and shattered friendships. The feature film was released in the U.S. by Quentin Tarantino.