The Vivero Letter

The movie The Vivero Letter was based on the book The Vivero Letter.

Which one did you like better, the movie or the book?  There are 7 votes for the book, and 5 votes for the movie.

Movie details for The Vivero Letter

The movie was released in 1998 and directed by Danny Boyle and Toby James, who also directed Trainspotting (1996)Trainspotting (1996). The Vivero Letter was produced by 20th Century Fox. More information on the movie is available on and also IMDb.

Actors on this movie include Alex Palmer, Bindu De Stoppani, Jukka Hiltunen, David Schneider (IV), Cillian Murphy, Toby Sedgwick, Naomie Harris, Noah Huntley, Christopher Dunne, Emma Hitching, Alexander Delamere, Kim McGarrity, Brendan Gleeson, Megan Burns, Justin Hackney, Luke Mably, Stuart McQuarrie, Ricci Harnett, Leo Bill and Junior Laniyan.


Read More About This Movie

The director/producer team that created Trainspotting turn their dynamic cinematic imaginations to the classic science fiction scenario of the last people on Earth. Jim (Cillian Murphy) wakes up from a coma to find London deserted--until he runs into a mo... Read More
The director/producer team that created Trainspotting turn their dynamic cinematic imaginations to the classic science fiction scenario of the last people on Earth. Jim (Cillian Murphy) wakes up from a coma to find London deserted--until he runs into a mob of crazed plague victims. He gradually finds other still-human survivors (including Naomie Harris), with whom he heads off across the abandoned countryside to find the source of a radio broadcast that promises salvation. 28 Days Later is basically an updated version of The Omega Man and other post-apocalyptic visions; but while the movie may lack originality, it makes up for it in vivid details and creepy paranoid atmosphere. 28 Days Later's portrait of how people behave in extreme circumstances--written by novelist Alex Garland (The Beach)--will haunt you afterward. Also featuring Brendan Gleeson (The General, Gangs of New York) and Christopher Eccleston (Shallow Grave, The Others). --Bret Fetzer

Book details for The Vivero Letter

The Vivero Letter was written by Desmond Bagley. The book was published in 1968 by House of Stratus. More information on the book is available on

Desmond Bagley also wrote Landslide (1967).


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