Gaudi Afternoon

The movie Gaudi Afternoon was based on the book Gaudi Afternoon.

Which one did you like better, the movie or the book?  There are 5 votes for the book, and 6 votes for the movie.

Movie details for Gaudi Afternoon

The movie was released in 2001. Gaudi Afternoon was produced by First Look Pictures. More information on the movie is available on and also IMDb.

Actors on this movie include Marcia Gay Harden, Lili Taylor, Juliette Lewis, Courtney Jines, María Barranco, Christopher Bowen, Pep Molina, Víctor Álvaro, Steve Itkin, Sergi Ruiz, Gloria Casas, Aitor Extravizz, Glòria Roig, Saskia Lange, Santi Canto, Saskia Giró, Josep Clará, Cati Solivelles and Artur Trias.


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Book details for Gaudi Afternoon

Gaudi Afternoon was written by Barbara Wilson. The book was published in 1990 by Seal Press (WA). More information on the book is available on


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Barbara Wilson's mysteries are witty, fast-paced, and fun to read. Plus, they have enough politics so that you can tell yourself that reading them is good for you. Gaudi Afternoon, written before "gender studies" became a buzz phrase, looks and laughs at ... Read More
Barbara Wilson's mysteries are witty, fast-paced, and fun to read. Plus, they have enough politics so that you can tell yourself that reading them is good for you. Gaudi Afternoon, written before "gender studies" became a buzz phrase, looks and laughs at what makes a gal straight or queer, femme or butch, lesbian or dyke, transgendered or translated. Cassandra Reilly, Wilson's wry, savvy, globetrotting sleuth, charges through Barcelona to find a missing person or two of indeterminate gender.