Billy Bathgate
The movie Billy Bathgate was based on the book Billy Bathgate.
Movie details for Billy BathgateThe movie was released in 1991 and directed by Robert Benton, who also directed Nobody's Fool (1994) and The Human Stain (2003). Billy Bathgate was produced by Walt Disney Video. More information on the movie is available on and also IMDb. Actors on this movie include Dustin Hoffman, Nicole Kidman, Loren Dean, Bruce Willis, Steven Hill, Steve Buscemi, Billy Jaye, John Costelloe, Timothy Jerome, Stanley Tucci, Mike Starr, Robert F. Colesberry, Stephen Joyce, Frances Conroy, Moira Kelly, Kevin Corrigan, Noel Derecki, Josh Phillip Weinstein, Danny Zorn and Rob Kramer. |
Central to the story development is the idea of fate and circumstance. Except for Billy, who is merely a criminal voyeur, all the characters play out the hand they were dealt, good or bad, live or die. Moving from misunderstood businessman, struggling to legitimize his line of work, to a steely, vengeful egomaniac, Dustin Hoffman gives a powerful performance. The role of Schultz is so strong, however, that Hoffman overpowers the cast, leaving some characters underdeveloped. Despite being the movie's namesake, Billy always seems a bit vacuous and leaves the audience wondering if he appreciates and values his luck. Bo Widerberg, played by Bruce Willis, is a slick gangster with a weasely demeanor and Drew Preston (Nicole Kidman), the girl to be fought over. Although Kidman's performance isn't her most memorable, she does a good job in balancing and evolving her character amid all the gunslinging and testosterone of the mob. If you're a Hoffman fan, and like gangster flicks, this movie's for you. --Jeff Leinaweaver
Book details for Billy BathgateBilly Bathgate was written by E. L. Doctorow. The book was published in 1989 by Plume. More information on the book is available on |