Household Saints

The movie Household Saints was based on the book Household Saint.

Which one did you like better, the movie or the book?  There are 3 votes for the book, and 4 votes for the movie.

Movie details for Household Saints

The movie was released in 1993. More information on the movie is available on IMDb.

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Book details for Household Saint

Household Saint was written by Francine Prose. The book was published in 1981. More information on the book is available on


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"A marvelous, lovable novel."Joyce MaynardNew York's Little Italy in the 1950s provides the setting for the extraordinary tale of the Santangelos. There is Joseph, a butcher who cheats at pinochle, only to find the deck stacked in unexpected ways; his mot... Read More
"A marvelous, lovable novel."
Joyce Maynard
New York's Little Italy in the 1950s provides the setting for the extraordinary tale of the Santangelos. There is Joseph, a butcher who cheats at pinochle, only to find the deck stacked in unexpected ways; his mother, Mrs. Santangelo, who prays to her saints for good sausage and good health; Catherine, Joseph's wife, whose determination to raise a modern daughter leads her to confront ancient questions; and finally, their daughter, Theresa, whose astonishing discovery of purpose provides surprising complications....