The Hungry Bachelors Club

The movie The Hungry Bachelors Club was based on the book The Hungry Bachelors Club.

Which one did you like better, the movie or the book?  There are 11 votes for the book, and 5 votes for the movie.

Movie details for The Hungry Bachelors Club

The movie was released in 1999. More information on the movie is available on IMDb.

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Book details for The Hungry Bachelors Club

The Hungry Bachelors Club was written by Lynn Scott Myers. The book was published in 1994 by L.S. Myers. More information on the book is available on

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The Hungry Bachelors Club is a novel that takes place in Atlanta, Georgia. Jethro, an anthropology professor consumed with saving classic Cadillacs, and his rebellious sidekick, Marlon, meet ex-con Moses Grady living in a 1956 Sedan. Meanwhile Jethro's ... Read More

The Hungry Bachelors Club is a novel that takes place in Atlanta, Georgia. Jethro, an anthropology professor consumed with saving classic Cadillacs, and his rebellious sidekick, Marlon, meet ex-con Moses Grady living in a 1956 Sedan. Meanwhile Jethro's overworked sister, Delmar, across town, is throwing together a dinner party with her friend Hortense who is trying to lure her noncommital hungry bachelor lawyer boyfriend Stanley into marriage. Stanley, on the sly, suggests to Delmar that she become a surrogate mother for his boss for big bucks, then he'll be made partner. The characters at the table keep coming and going : Delmar's senile mother, who plays stride blues piano, her tempestuous son, a rich old man found at a supermarket and one elderly matron who drops dead after the second course. Enter Jethro to say the Mayan last rites before, “she is pumped with chemicals for marketing purposes.” The Hungry Bachelors Club may have food, sex, Indians, the Blues, and characters who are struggling to see the difference between substance and style, obligation and necessity, but most of all, tolerance, which prevails through affirming and loving relationships. The Hungry Bachelors Club was made into a feature film, released November, 1999, directed by Gregory Ruzzin, starring Bill Nunn as Moses Grady and Jorja Fox as Delmar.