The Scanner Darkly
The movie The Scanner Darkly was based on the book The Scanner Darkly.
Movie details for The Scanner DarklyThe movie was released in 2006 and directed by Richard Linklater, who also directed The Newton Boys (1998). More information on the movie is available on Actors on this movie include Keanu Reeves, Dameon Clarke, Robert Downey Jr., Jack Cruz, Heather Kafka, Winona Ryder, Woody Harrelson, Hugo Perez, Casey Chapman, Eliza Stevens, Andrew Sparkes (II), Christopher Ryan (VIII), Rory Cochrane, Melody Chase, Marco Perella, Leila Plummer, Angela Rawna, Rommel Sulit, Lisa Del Dotto and Mona Lee Fultz. |
While it's virtually guaranteed to achieve some kind of cult status, A Scanner Darkly lacks the paranoid intensity of Dick's novel, and Linklater's established penchant for loose and loopy dialogue doesn't always work here, with an emphasis on drug-culture humor instead of the panicked anxiety that Dick's novel conveys. As for the use of "interpolated rotoscoping"--the technique used to apply shifting, highly stylized animation over conventional live-action footage--it's purely a matter of personal preference. The film's look is appropriate to Dick's dark, cautionary story about the high price of addiction, but it also robs performances of nuance and turns the seriousness of Dick's story into... well, a cartoon. Opinions will differ, but A Scanner Darkly is definitely worth a look--or two, if the mind-rattling plot doesn't sink in the first time around. --Jeff Shannon
Book details for The Scanner DarklyThe Scanner Darkly was written by Philip K. Dick. The book was published in 1977 by Pantheon. More information on the book is available on Philip K. Dick also wrote Impostor (story), Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968), We Can Remember It For You Wholesale (story) (1990), Second Variety (story) (1991), Minority Report (story) (2002) and Paycheck (story) (2003). |