Cycle of the Werewolf (story)
The book Cycle of the Werewolf (story) was made into the movie Silver Bullet.
Book details for Cycle of the Werewolf (story)Cycle of the Werewolf (story) was written by Stephen King. . More information on the book is available on Stephen King also wrote Cat From Hell (story), Graveyard Shift (story), The Boogeyman: (story), The Raft: (story), The Body: (story), Trucks (story), The Mangler: (story), Children of the Corn (story), The Woman in the Room: (story), Night Flier (story), Apt Pupil (story), Riding the Bullet (story), The Crate and Weeds: (stories), The Lawnmower Man: (story), The Shining (1977), Dead Zone (1979), Firestarter (1980), Cujo (1981), Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption (story) (1982), Christine (1983), Pet Sematary (1983), Misery (1987), The Dark Half (1989), Secret Window, Secret Garden (1990), Needful Things (1991), Dolores Claiborne (1993), The Green Mile (1996), Hearts in Atlantis (1999) and Dreamcatcher (2001). |
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Movie details for Silver BulletThe movie was released in 1985 and directed by Daniel Attias, who also directed Hunter's Blood (1987). More information on the movie is available on and also IMDb. Actors on this movie include Gary Busey, Everett McGill, Corey Haim, Megan Follows, Robin Groves, Leon Russom, Terry O'Quinn, Bill Smitrovich, Joe Wright, Kent Broadhurst, Heather Simmons, James A. Baffico, Rebecca Fleming, Lawrence Tierney, William Newman, Sam Stoneburner, Lonnie Moore, Rick Pasotto, Cassidy Eckert and Wendy Walker (II). |