Movies that were based on a book
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Movies starting with the letter 'E'
Eat a Bowl of Tea (1989)
Ed Wood (1994)
Eddie and the Cruisers (1983)
Eddie Macon's Run (1983)
The Education of Little Tree (1997)
Eight Hundred Leagues Down the Amazon (1993)
Eight Men Out (1988)
Election (1999)
Elektra (2005)
Ella Enchanted (2004)
Emma (1996)
The Emperor's Club (2002)
Emperor's New Clothes (2001)
Empire of the Sun (1987)
Enchanted April (1992)
The End of the Affair (1999)
Endless Love (1981)
Enduring Love (2004)
Enemies: A Love Story (1989)
The English Patient (1996)
The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain (1995)
Enigma (2001)
Eragon (2006)
Ethan Frome (1993)
Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1993)
The Evening Star (1996)
Everybody's All-American (1988)
Everything Is Illuminated (2005)
Evil That Men Do (1984)
Evil Under the Sun (1982)
Evita (1996)
The Ex (1997)
Excalibur (1981)
Excellent Cadavers (1999)
Exit to Eden (1994)
Exit Wounds (2001)
The Exorcist III (1990)
Extreme Measures (1996)
Eye for an Eye (1996)
The Eye of the Beholder (1999)
Eye of the Needle (1981)
Eye of the Wolf (1995)
The Eyes of the Amaryllis (1982)
Eyes Wide Shut (1999)