Movies that were based on a book
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Movies starting with the letter 'S'
S.F.W. (1994)
Sabrina (1995)
Safe Passage (1994)
The Safety of Objects (2001)
Sahara (2005)
Saving Grace (1985)
The Scanner Darkly (2006)
The Scarecrow (1982)
Scarface (1983)
The Scarlet Letter (1995)
Scent of a Woman (1992)
Schindler's List (1993)
Scotland, Pa. (2001)
Screamers (1995)
The Sea Wolf (1997)
Seabiscuit (2003)
Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)
Second Best (1994)
The Second Jungle Book: Mowgli and Baloo (1997)
The Secret Agent (1996)
The Secret Garden (1993)
The Secret of NIMH (1982)
Secret Places (1984)
Secret Window (2004)
Seize the Day (1986)
Sense and Sensibility (1995)
The Sentinel (2006)
Separate Lies (2005)
Serial (1980)
The Servants of Twilight (1991)
The Set Up (1995)
Seven Years in Tibet (1997)
Shadow of the Wolf (1992)
Shadowlands (1993)
Shaft (2000)
Shanghai Surprise (1986)
Sharky's Machine (1981)
Shattered (1991)
Shawshank Redemption (1994)
She-Devil (1989)
Sheltering Sky (1990)
Shiloh (1996)
Shiloh 2: Shiloh Season (1999)
The Shining (1980)
Shining Through (1992)
The Shipping News (2001)
A Shock to the System (1990)
Shopgirl (2005)
A Show of Force (1990)
Shrek (2001)
The Sicilian (1987)
Sideways (2004)
Siesta (1987)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Silver Bullet (1985)
Simon Birch (1998)
A Simple Plan (1998)
A Simple Twist of Fate (1994)
Sin City (2005)
Single White Female (1992)
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005)
Six Ways to Sunday (1997)
Skins (2002)
Slapstick (1982)
Slaves of New York (1989)
Slayground (1983)
Sleepers (1996)
Sleeping With the Enemy (1991)
Sleepy Hollow (1999)
A Slipping-Down Life (1999)
Sliver (1993)
Smilla's Sense of Snow (1997)
The Snapper (1993)
Snow Falling On Cedars (1999)
The Snow Walker (2003)
Solaris (2002)
A Soldier's Daughter Never Cries (1998)
Solo (1996)
Some Kind of Hero (1981)
Someone Like You (2001)
Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983)
Somewhere In Time (1980)
Sophie's Choice (1982)
A Sound of Thunder (2005)
South Central (1992)
Spasms (1983)
Spawn (1997)
Speak (2004)
Sphere (1998)
Sphinx (1981)
Spider (2002)
Spider-Man (2002)
Spirit Lost (1996)
Stand By Me (1986)
Starlight Hotel (1987)
Stars and Bars (1988)
Starship Troopers (1997)
The Statement (2003)
Stella (1990)
The Stepford Wives (2004)
Stick (1985)
Stir of Echoes (1999)
Stonewall (1995)
Stormbreaker (2006)
Stranger in the Kingdom (1998)
A Stranger is Watching (1982)
Striptease (1996)
Stroker Ace (1983)
Stuart Little (1999)
Stuart Saves His Family (1995)
The Stunt Man (1980)
The Sum of All Fears (2002)
Sweet Hereafter (1997)